Microaggressions Explained



According to the clip, microaggressions are often unconscious. How can we bring microaggressions to the foreground and begin to talk about them? What is the difference between ignorance and innocence?


  • Check your microaggressions. 
  • Call them out when you hear them.
  • Look at your workplace policies – do they unintentionally marginalize certain groups?
300 300 Wellbeing WR
  • I feel that the current climate in North America is even more in need of challenging systemic racism – current polls showing white people are more and more comfortable avoiding/ignoring the obvious disparities. Its even worse when it comes to immigrants. The haves are terrified to loose out the have nots. I am sometimes overwhelmed and worried by what I see as the swing away from reasonable discourse. I can credit watching the movie “Black Klansman” last year as being a bright spot on the horizon of educating the world about the re-emergence of the KKK – history and art really can bring significant lessons for us all

  • I totally agree about the educational value of the arts. I recommend watching most Spike Lee films. They are an excellent social commentary on Black lives in America.

  • Good that micro-aggression is explained, but can people provide some actually tools for the people who are being discriminated against to fight back on the racism? It feels like everyone is talking about racism and rising awareness, but nobody is addressing the issues and the discriminated is still discriminated and the racists remain racists.

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