30 Day Challenge

The 30 Day Challenge is a daily practice of short, fun, and thought-provoking activities to help us mobilize in the struggle to challenge systemic barriers to equity – at home, on the job, and in our wellbeing work.
We have seen the devastating impacts of inequity, injustice, and racism both around the world and in our own communities.

WellbeingWR recognizes that racism is happening in our community; it is a longstanding and deep-rooted issue which necessitates transformational change across systems. We are committed to working together differently across our networks to address systemic racism as a barrier to equity, inclusion and wellbeing.

Through dialogue and training, members of Wellbeing Waterloo Region have begun to create shared understanding of what social inequities are, how they are produced, and what is required for their disruption. We have also come to understand that practice is key to personal development and continuous learning about these issues. 

People standing in a circle holding hands and smiling in a grassy setting
Every day for an entire month, participants are invited to open a new challenge on the 30 day calendar. The challenges are designed to boost knowledge and capacity around equity issues such as unconscious bias, social inclusion, and various forms of privilege.

Each challenge should take under 10 minutes, and features a learnreflect, and practice component.

  • Learn – A short video or article on a specific topic related to equity.
  • Reflect – Questions to guide your thinking during and after the learning.
  • Practice – A small actionable item to bring into your practice.

You may not agree, or feel comfortable with every piece of content provided. That’s okay! The challenge is to work through the discomfort to stimulate thoughts and discussions around these important topics.

By engaging in this practice together, we hope to develop strategies to improve relationships, cultivate new thought processes, and rewire our brains in ways that will help make Waterloo Region a place where everyone thrives and no one is left behind.


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