Tales from a Teenage Mental Health Advocate



How can you support your own or others’ mental wellness?


  • Check up on someone you know who may be suffering from mental illness
  • Share your own story if you feel able
  • Ask for help
300 300 Wellbeing WR
1 Comment
  • Thanks for sharing. The reflection is profound and inspiring. Growing up in a dysfunctional family, I know all too well how difficult it is to be a teenager with home that doesn’t feel like home, nobody to talk to, and don’t know where should I go and what is the meaning of this. When the primary caring place is dysfunctional, it can be too easy for the child to think they are worthless because nobody tells them they are valuable.

    I am glad the girl found her passion through coding, grow her new identities from her passion and therefore found her worth. I found my worth by focusing my attention to schools and gaining acknowledgement from that. It is important to seek out new hobbies and tasks but people in trouble may not be able to do so just on their own.

    Providing more opportunities for people to connect with the wider society is important. Especially for the vulnerables (women, children, the elderly etc.).

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