Reconciliation and Education

How can Indigenous learning principles can be applied to conversations around reconciliation? Is there respectful representation in your workplace or agency?

  • Follow a new Indigenous leader, educator, and/or activist on social media.
  • Check out the hashtags #IdleNoMore and #ReadtheTRCReport.
290 300 Wellbeing WR
  • No social media for me in terms of “voting” or following. But as an avenue to listening -this is such a valuable opportunity. Oral history story telling and cultural exchange – let us celebrate and create ongoing spaces for exchange. I particularly appreciated the invitation to check out the First Peoples Principles of Learning – how sad to see a course at UBC to teach these principles was cancelled last year (2018). I work in healthcare and so the strengths based approach is something familiar to me.

  • Thanks for sharing. I agree, many minority experiences are often denied, minimized, diminished.

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